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Bungee Jumping off Gorsa Bridge in Kåfjorddalen (photo: Ørjan Bertelsen)

When Bungee Jumping with us you don’t need any prior knowledge and the experience delivers an unparalleled Adrenaline Rush, fully on par with Skydiving!

For increased safety and comfort compared to ankle straps, we primarily use full-body harnesses at Gorsa Bridge. After all, it's not particularly comfortable to hang upside down by your ankles! Jumping feet-first also gives a much more intense stomach drop. To optimally tailor the experience, we use three different thicknesses of cords so we can offer customized jumps for anyone weighing between 40 and 110 kg.

We also offer a wide variety of jump styles, such as a Backflip, forward flip, handstand, or why not our infamous "Canyon Drop" (level 3). However, because the gorge is quite narrow and the jump so high, new guests always start with our standard jump: feet first. This ensures everyone has a safe and memorable first experience. As you prepare to jump, our crew eases the weight of the cord, so you don't feel attached to anything until you are far down in the gorge—after a loooong free fall, it's an incredible feeling when the cord finally catches. As you dangle under the bridge waiting to be hoisted back up, you hang with your head up and feet down, truly taking in the entire wild experience.

Enjoy a small selection of photos from our more than 30 years in adventure sports:


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